Gordeeva O.G. 1
1 Cheboksary Cooperative Institute ANO VPO Centrosojuz of the Russian Federation» The Russian University of Cooperation»
We consider the relevance of the introduction of financial modeling in today value - oriented management organization. The paper describes the various approaches to the definition and description of the term «financial modeling», which are found in the scientific work of various authors. The necessity of building a financial model for the value – oriented management as information – the security managers at all levels of enterprise management for decision making. The paper presents a detailed description of the algorithm and implementation of financial modeling of value - oriented management organization. The article highlighted the key benefits of financial modeling in the organization of value - oriented management accounting and analysis in organizations. This paper presents successively mechanism for constructing the system of financial modeling in organizations. Tables are provided, by which calculates key performance indicators and financial modeling performed with the value-oriented management. An advantage of this financial model is that it is simple and can be applied in practice.