Gobernik N.S. 1
Mityakov S.N. 1
1 Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University n.a. R.E. Alekseev
The main approaches to an assessment of innovative development of the industrial enterprises, branches, types of economic activity, regions are analysed. The conclusion that index approach is more convenient in some tasks of the analysis and forecasting of development of social and economic systems is drawn. The technique directed on the analysis of quality indicators of innovative process taking into account a contribution of innovations of various types and levels and allowing in more detail to estimate extent of influence of innovative transformations on social and economic development is offered. Dynamics of the generalized index of innovative development for the industry of the Nizhny Novgorod Region for 2006-2011 is considered. The conclusion is drawn on a tendency to decrease in quality of innovations in the region. The offered technique can be used for monitoring and a quantitative assessment both positive, and negative influence of any innovations on social and economic development, and also when comparing several objects of research.