Aliyev S.K. 1
Shamilev S.R. 1
1 Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education «The Chechen state university» Russia
Considered in the regions of the Russian Federation dynamics of changes in the production and distribution of electricity, gas and water (including one man). Analyses the tendencies of differentiation of subjects and districts of the Russian Federation in all-Russian production and distribution of electricity, gas and water (including one man). Calculated the index of production of subjects of the Russian Federation on economic activity «Production and distribution of electricity, gas and water» from 2000 to 2011’s. In the structure of the volume of shipped goods (works, services) in 2011 considered the share of products of production, transmission and distribution of power among the Federal district. Built grouping of subjects of the Russian Federation on profitability of assets and profitability of sold goods (works, services) of organizations for the production and distribution of electricity, gas and water. Comparison of capacities of power plants and energy production in the regions of the allowed us to make conclusions about the ineffective use of capacities of power plants. Calculated ratio of production, consumption, exports and imports of electricity in the United States to Russia, that allowed to make appropriate conclusions.