Gezueva E.R. 1
Shamilev S.R. 1
1 Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education «The Chechen state university» Russia
In the work calculated the ratio of Federal districts from 2000 to 2011 by the number of enterprises and organizations in the Russian Federation. Analyzed decrease in the number of enterprises and organizations in the North Caucasus Federal district. Highlighted activities in which the share of the enterprises and the organizations has a maximum and minimum values in all Federal districts and an explanation of this. Built grouping of enterprises and organizations of subjects of the Russian Federation by type of ownership in 2011 Separately examine the differences turns enterprises subjects of the Russian Federation. Calculated percentage of enterprises and organizations, engaged in Commerce among the Federal districts. Analyzed the causes of the differences in the number of enterprises and organizations of the forms of ownership and types of activity. Describes the main characteristics of small enterprises. Analyzed preferences of foreign capital in the Federal districts and the last in foreign capital. Relevant conclusions.