Scientific journal
Научное обозрение. Экономические науки
ISSN 2500-3410
ПИ №ФС77-57503


Kichigin A.V. 1
1 The Ural State University of Railway Transport
The article discusses the challenges faced by both business executives trying to increase the productivity of workers due to the revision of labor standards, as well as those responsible for rationing of work issues in the workplace. The reasons of these problems, as well as issues of the current regulatory rationing of work and different approaches to the organization of procedures for the valuation of labor. The experience of domestic developers microelement rationing of work and their practical application with a separate analysis of emerging issues in using them. On results of research focuses on the use of microelement valuation of labor for modern production processes, with the elimination of the existing problems, through the use of modern information technologies and technical solutions. Practical implementation of solutions to problems microelement rationing of work will allow to apply this method to update the valuation of existing norms most of the production processes. Research findings and further research work microelement rationing of work aims to achieve a positive economic effect and increase the profitability of enterprises.