Scientific journal
Научное обозрение. Экономические науки
ISSN 2500-3410
ПИ №ФС77-57503


Kim Kyong Hwa 1
1 St. Petersburg University of Management
Last centuries new sources of energy were the main driving force with an industrial way of national economies development, but after the transition to a post-industrial society production of knowledge technologies and information processing began to assume particular importance. The level of knowledge and new technologies commercialization and industrial use in the country became the driver defining a rate of development of national economies in the XXI century. Information has become the new object of trade, the value of intelligence has increased, and material component in the creating of products began to decrease.Under the present circumstances, the importance task is formation and development of the effective and innovative environment encouraging innovative activity in the country, and here institutional ensuring of national economy’s innovative development is particularly important.In the article there is carried out the analysis of innovative activity in Russia and also there is given attempt to identify the reasons of low innovative activity in the country.