Scientific journal
Научное обозрение. Экономические науки
ISSN 2500-3410
ПИ №ФС77-57503


Volkov V.V 1 Melnikova E.V. 1
1 VolgogradState Technical University
The paper evaluated the tools to increase the efficiency of oil and gas predpriyatiy.Rassmotrena role of oil and gas sector as a tool to improve the efficiency of the Russian oil and gas industry. As a basic framework for cooperation of mining companies and service operators proposed outsourcing. Presents a method of improving efficiency, which is possible through the unification and modernization of information systems. Using oilfield services sector helps companies lower costs by avoiding investments in non-core assets or nizkorentabelnye activities. The main features of outsourcing directly interact with the oil industry. As measures for rapid development of Russian oilfield services is the promotion of long-term cooperation between domestic production and service companies. Can support the local tax authorities oil and gas engineering. To date, the oil companies have a relatively standard set of information tools - accounting, management and accounting systems. For the oil companies are the most important issues of modernization of facilities and communication systems, automation and drilling industries.