Vikulov V.A. 1
Butrin A.G. 1
1 FSSFEI HPE “South Ural State University” (national research university)
The article is devoted to problem of optimal risk determination algorithmization by stages of circulation of current assets of the industrial enterprise. The author considered in detail process of assessment of the different decision to optimize of integral mathematical expectation of loss in the context of long-term and short-term prospects. In this article author considered the original optimal risk determination algorithm based on factors such as the size of losses at various stages of the circulation of current assets, their probability, mathematical expectation of losses at each stage of the circuit current assets. Formed an optimal risk determination algorithm by stages of circulation of current assets can improve efficiency of interactions manufacturer with suppliers and customers in the context of quasiintegration. Using the algorithm proposed we can determine the optimal values of the duration of the debt repayment period and the receivables collection period in which the level of risk is optimal.
Южно-Уральский государственный университет