Vetrova T.Y. 1
1 Saint-Petersburg State university of Service and Economics
Identified demographic factors that influence the formation of demand for educational services: population, its age and sex structure, population growth, fertility and mortality, life expectancy, migration activity of the population. On the basis of the statistical data for the last decade studied their effect on the potential number of students of higher education. Correlation analysis of the impact of demographic factors on the creation of a pool of institutions HPE based on the calculation of the correlation coefficient to assess the possible relationship between the selected factors to select the factor most closely interlinked with the impact on the demand for education malware. The study states that: there is no dependency between the contingent and the number of institutions VPO universities in Russia - the correlation coefficient of 19.25%, there was a weak relationship between the contingent and the number of high school graduates – a correlation coefficient of 49.56 %, there is a strong positive correlation with the ratio of the number of women to 1,000 men – 86.63 %, a strong inverse relationship with the demand for educational services have a per capita income of the population (-94.93 %) and the influx of migrants (-88.19 %). The analysis leads to the conclusion that the main areas of formation control contingent institutions VPO in demographic decline is gender mainstreaming, as well as a differentiated pricing policy taking into account the average per capita income of the residents of the region.