Scientific journal
Научное обозрение. Экономические науки
ISSN 2500-3410
ПИ №ФС77-57503


Verhoturova E.V. 1
1 Irkutsk State University
The necessity and possibility of application of methodology of project management for the development of projects foresight is studied. Foresight considered as organizational technology, which aims to develop a vision of the future, providing mutual learning agents on the basis of interaction. Also foresight research considered as innovative project, defined the characteristics of foresight project. We studied the experience of the 12 European regional foresight projects, emphasized the problems of their conduct/ There are common among which: project management Foresight, provides the necessary interaction of the participants, their motivation, conflict resolution, and problem of evaluation of the effectiveness of foresight. We proposed to use the project management methodology for effectiveness and assessment. The elements of the project management methodology applicable to the project foresight are analyzed. The methodology of evaluation of foresight is developed. Conceptual and mathematical models of estimation of foresight are proposed. A methodology of assessment proposes in relation to the draft regional foresight. The main elements of the evaluation report: assessment of the technology foresight, evaluation of foresight project management, evaluation of the results of the foresight, assessment of the impact of foresight.The proposed method was applied for the evaluation of the Pilot project of the Irkutsk regional foresight.