Scientific journal
Научное обозрение. Экономические науки
ISSN 2500-3410
ПИ №ФС77-57503


Vasyuhin O.V. 1 Levin M.K. 1 Tsukanova O.A. 1
1 FGBOU St. Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies
The topicality of development of methodical bases of the market information’s formation, which is focused on the potential consumer, and in the same way the procedures of its search is proved. The concept « scientific and technical production » is analyzed and exposed. Specific properties of scientific and technical production, as goods, which possesses special properties by means of that it grows out scientific researches and development which have unique character are determined. It is proved, that the market of scientific and technical production on the present day has already been formed. And, as well as any other element of the world market, this market possesses a number of the features caused by a specific character of the offered goods. Possible sources of the primary and secondary information necessary for research of the market of scientific and technical production are analyzed. Recommendations on their selection and work on them are given. In the inference it is drawn a conclusion that for each research it is necessary to make the individual program and to shape target research group. It is necessary to involve in work of this group alongside with experts in marketing, representatives of developer STP, and experts by the work with the scientific and technical information.