Scientific journal
Научное обозрение. Экономические науки
ISSN 2500-3410
ПИ №ФС77-57503


Guseinov A.G. 1
1 Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education «Dagestan State University»
The article investigates the features of the implementation of regional economic policy in the developed countries. Regional economic policy implies a differentiated diagnosis regions of the country in order to develop the direction of development, taking into account social, political, environmental and other factors. An important economic factor in the formation of regional policy are the relationships that may exist between regional inequality and rising inflation. Another factor, the social component of regional policy that is in the pursuit of full employment, regional income distribution, welfare problem. Regional economic policy has four components: objectives, strategies, tools and evaluation. Objectives of regional policy largely defined the most important problems, they depend on the socio - economic level of the region. Strategy is a plan , program and policy rules that offer some sort of directive in the implementation of long-term goals. Features specific region determine the specificity of the strategy. Imbalance in socio-economic development between developed and less developed regions led to the introduction of restrictive persons. Regional instruments: government preferences, fiscal policy, labor market policy, the system of preferential credits, transport and other financial aid used by many European countries. In European countries, the achievement of economic and social cohesion was the main objective of the regional policy. Goals, objectives and scope of regional policy differ in their countries, and according to historical periods in the same countries: the level of socio -economic development, social development stages cycles , cycles, stages of economic development, the views of the ruling political parties and the dominant economic schools, visual ethnic issues. Also considered purposeful state regulation of territorial development