Vasyukhin O.V. 1
Pavlova E.A. 1
1 St. Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies
This article investigates the problem of effective management of innovative activity of industrial enterprises. The proposed methodological recommendations on the formation of the motivational system of innovation-active enterprises. The authors define the characteristics of individual types of motivation in relation to innovation activities of enterprises. They point out intrinsic motivation, which involves motivating force and effect generated within the enterprise, and extrinsic motivation as a combination of factors acting outside the company, but purposefully or indirectly affect its activity. The paper identifies the main functions to be performed by the system of motivation. A special role is given to the analysis and evaluation of competitive advantages in the market environment, which can be performed using the methods of strategic analysis. Authors proposed the concept of motivation innovation in its implementation will ensure the effective use of innovative potential of enterprises.