Grakhov V.P. 1
Mokhnachev S.A. 2
Kislyakova Y.G. 1
Anisimova N.V. 1
1 Izhevsk state technical University named after M.L. Kalashnikov
2 Eastern-European Institute (426008
The article considers the modern requirements to the system of higher education, explores the strategic development program of the Izhevsk state technical University named after M.L. Kalashnikov. The strategic goals of the University is to prepare professionals who are able to increase the competitiveness of high-tech industries. For improving the educational process at the University of new educational programs, open areas of training demanded by the market and potential employers. The management of the University as a complex system is carried out at different levels: the level of the rectorate, faculties and departments. The authors identify the Department as the basic unit of the University. Departments are created training plans and programs, as well as research and development. Therefore, the work efficiency of departments depends on the efficiency of the whole University. The combination of the head of the Department in the system of University management three roles – a scientist, a teacher, supervisor, contributes to the harmonious development of the Department in all directions.