Golovenkin D.A. 1
1 Vyatka State University
Despite a good theoretical study of issues of strategic analysis in Economics, major companies are in no hurry to present it in a compact and clear for unqualified investors. In particular, the investor cannot be found on the websites of the information: the estimated cash flow is planned on company projects; quantitative risk assessment (calculation of rates of discount on methods CAPM, WACC, CCM); updated cash flow and analysis of the plan-fact. Dominated by information on specific indicators (ton kilometers, wells, etc.). Should the destruction of the stereotype based on the contraposition of raw materials and innovative scenarios of Russia´s development. Leading capital-intensive and science intensive technologies of the Russian military industry, equipment and transport means for development of the Far North, the mining operations in remote places. Leading companies will need to seek alternative sources for their investments. A possible solution is a long - term use of means of the Pension Fund. This can be realized through budgeting, quantitative risk assessment, scenario project management, actualization of cash flow, state guarantees.