Golovin A.A. 1
Belousova L.S. 2
1 FSBEI HVE «Kursk State Agricultural Academy named after Prof. I.I. Ivanov
2 FSBEI HVE «South-west State University»
On the basis of generally accepted indicators of efficiency the evaluation of land management in the region has been conducted. As a result the main directions of development of effective land use have been formed and theoretically and methodologically justified. Key goals of achieving the effective land management in agro-industrial complex, which include a number of blocks such as: agromarketing, production, research and development (innovation), financial resources, human resources, management, social Responsibility have been determined. The priority of purposes to achieve the effective management of land resources in the region has been determined by the next step. It consists of four stages: Stage I - extensive development (internal environment); Stage II - intensive development of production (internal environment); Stage III - the economic sustainability of growth (external environment); Stage IV - the stability of the sustainability of economic growth (external and internal environment). The methodical approach of complex economic assessment, which allows for decision-making, consider the factor of priority, to assess the effectiveness of implementing development programs has been offered.