Bugrov А.V. 1
Glebova А.G. 1
Farinyuk Y.T. 1
1 Tver State Agricultural Academy
The article is devoted to the rationale of the use of design methods for training agricultural management. The paper identifies features of the formation of professional competence of the manager as the main indicator of the quality of education. A system of continuous training agricultural management. Spotted and presented schematically fundamental link public and private functions of process control education. The basic project techniques used in the educational process. The main educational projects and methods for their preparation, taking into account the application of innovative technologies in education. Particular attention is paid to practice-oriented approach in the preparation of projects. It is shown that the integration of science, education and industry is necessary, first, to develop the concept of integration of education, science and industry, and secondly, to implement on the basis of student practice-oriented integrated («education - production») system of education.