Scientific journal
Научное обозрение. Экономические науки
ISSN 2500-3410
ПИ №ФС77-57503


Vnukovskaya T.N. 1
1 Ural institute of economy
Production (productive) and reproductive labor are closely interconnected and are in interference and interdependence. These are elements of one open system within the general social and economic relations. Productive labor specializes on production of means of production, and object of production of reproductive labor is human life. During research the contradiction arising at crossing of continuums of the social is revealed and economic is risky, consisting in lack of identification of risks in reproductive activity. In the arising theory of regulation of risks of reproductive labor, in our opinion, it will be expedient to allocate the following elements of the mechanism of regulation: purposes, tasks, subjects and objects of management, principles of regulation, function, methods. This article is devoted to research of the principles of regulation of risks of reproductive labor. Adaptation of the general principles of system and situational approach to the analysis and regulation of risks of reproductive work allowed 13 the principles added with axiomatic postulates of a riskologiya and specifics of riskologichesky activity.