Bryzhko V.G. 1
Semenovskih D.V. 1
1 Perm state agricultural academy n.a. D.N. Pryanishnikov
The analysis of modern regulatory provisions damages for the removal of land from agricultural turnover was made. A set of payments for compensation of agriculture. Substantiate the expediency of resuming practice wang damages agriculture as an economic sector, in the amount of new land. Proved comparable with the cost of land development costs for reclamation of disturbed lands. A method for determining compensation payments tional conditions for commuters. Proved the value of basic standards for the Perm Region. The values of the standards for soil types and subtypes of the Perm region. Proposed standards for payment conditions commuters Perm. Formed complex economic standards in the protection of land and property interests of agriculture in the suburban area of the city of Perm. An approach to assessing the effect of the introduction of the proposed regulations.