Butrin A.G. 1
Yarushin D.L. 1
1 FSSFEI HPE “South Ural State University” (national research university)
Research the organization and functioning of inter-firm linkages is especially important. In the context of growing integration processes in the industrial complex objectively there is a need to develop new and revising existing methodological foundations, algorithms, techniques and management practices to ensure the competitiveness and economic development entities in the industry. Conclusions: in conditions of intensifying integration processes objectively there is a task of development of new tools for the management and evaluation of its effectiveness; the criterion of effective management in the context of integration is the minimum integral cost throughout the entire chain of promotion of the goods from the origin to the consumption, from primary supplier to the end consumer; for quick decision-making process it is necessary to develop adequate model to allow you to define and achieve optimal parameters of integrated players in real time.