Bondarenko M.P. 1
Kuzminova T.V. 2
1 FSEBI HPE «Volgograd State Physical Education Academy»
2 Negosudarstvennoe educational institution of higher professional education Moscow technological Institute «WUT»
Professional sport, despite the specificity of sport activities, develops in General, according to the same laws as other traditional industries. Taking into account high requirements to the physical training of sportsmen, in professional sports with greater urgency questions of protection of sports work. Given that professional sport, regardless of the country, is the most expensive, the most visible and the most spectacular sporting activity spectators coming to the stadiums, and are the major consumers of the results of the professional sports activities, and, consequently, the main customers of security. The article describes the prerequisites and possibilities of increasing the safety of sports work on the basis of introduction of modern standard GOST R 54934-012/OHSAS 18001:2007. Shows the main advantages of the use of this standard in professional sports in comparison with the existing system of insurance.