Bruzhukova O.V. 1
1 Rostov state building University
The main directions of improving state regulation of social, environmental and economic regional systems designated under the institutional mechanism including economic and environmental as well as social policy areas. For effective management of organizational effectiveness socio-ecological-economic mechanism should be determined by reacting a plurality of elements, including: the implementation of international standards on national priorities and ongoing projects in the field of social, environmental and economic transformations; measures for development and implementation of international programs for socio-ecological – the economic system, the introduction of scientific and methodical – the efficiency of methods, approaches, criteria and tools for social, ecological and economic assessment , optimization of management level of human impact on the development of the territories, the creation and development of international social, ecological and economic systems, the development and implementation of Total measures to encourage the development of environmental management and economic efficiency of individual territories . Management of Social- ecological-economic systems should be based on the practical use of the results of simulation and forecast scenarios for different levels of systems.