Scientific journal
Научное обозрение. Экономические науки
ISSN 2500-3410
ПИ №ФС77-57503


Alekseeva S.S. 1
1 Russian State University of Innovation Technologies and Entrepreneurship»
Methods of motivation and stimulation of students to scientific-innovative activity in the University are of strategic importance, since the intensification of scientific-innovative potential will lead to quality improvement and quality assurance training and competitiveness of the University, and can influence the solution of problems related to shortages of scientific-innovational and educational spheres. In the modern scientific literature is represented by a number of conceptual provisions reflecting processes of the formation of scientifically-innovative Outlook of the youth, however, no research does suggest methods of motivation and stimulation of students to scientific and innovative activity. For solving these problems, the author of the article are proposed and substantiated for use in a higher educational institution the following methods of motivation and stimulation of students to scientific-innovative activity: creation and implementation of the circle «quality and competitiveness», representing the specific social organizational and structural formation of the students; to create conditions for competition between students, educational groups, circles «quality and competitiveness, universities, through competitions with the relevant awarding of prizes; modernization of the system of material incentives through the introduction of the new approach to monetary reward, a higher remuneration is higher intensification of scientific-innovative activity».