Borisova I.A. 1
1 St.Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies
It is necessary to ensure the continuity of innovation process under the current conditions of economic development. The continuous introduction of the changes, which correspond to latest achievements of science and technology, it will make it possible to reduce the technological delay of the domestic economy from the more developed countries. Clusters due to the flexibility of their structure contribute to the acceleration of this process. However, the existing problems in the domestic economy, which impede the development of cluster structures, and also radical changes of the world economy in XXI century, connected with the acceleration of rhythm evolutions, an increase in uncertainty and others they lead us to the need for the creation of new methods and approaches, directed toward the guarantees of steady development of clusters. As a result analysis and the synthesis of different theories, we have proposed new approach and method of guaranteeing the steady development of the clusters, at basis of which lies the idea of collaboration and mutually-assistance between the enterprises.