Beliy E.M. 1
Romanov D.I. 1
1 Federal state budgetary educational institution of higher professional education «Ulyanovsk State University»
There were generalized the main threats in regional system of higher education: the demographic decline, reduction of the amount of financing of higher education institutions, outflow of university entrants in metropolitan higher education institutions, reduction of the financing of government programs in education and science sphere. It is shown that in such conditions development of consulting activity is actual for a higher education institution. There is presented nomenclature of consulting services that regional university can render. University can also implement long-term contractual relationships with client organizations on the basis of outsourcing. It is suggested to create interfaculty centers of consulting and outsourcing for realization of problems in consulting sphere, primary functions of such centers were formulated. There was carried out SWOT – consulting activity of regional university analysis on results of which were determined the primary perspective problems of university in consulting sphere: introduction of the practice of traditional educational services and educational consulting combination; development of network integration of universities in consulting sphere; formation of long-term outsourcing projects portfolio. Advantages are revealed and principles of network integration of regional universities in consulting sphere were formulated.