Luginina A.A. 1
1 «Perm National Research Polytechnic University»
The paper takes a holistic approach to leadership development and proposes a set of items for measuring leadership development. The paper identifies the factors that determine leadership development and focuses on the context in which leadership is developed. The purpose of this paper is to revisit the prevalent perceptions of leadership development, consider the constructs that affect leadership development in an organization, and propose a collective framework for leadership development. Moreover, this paper aims at making conceptual and practical clarifications between leader and leadership development in order to distinguish between them and capture the actual meaning of leadership development. Leadership development holds a broader meaning than simply developing the leadership skills of individual leaders, although leader development still remains a critical aspect for organizations. Then it moves to investigate how organizations can develop leadership at all levels and proposes a collective framework for leadership development. The paper provides guidelines for successful leadership development in practice. The paper implies that leadership development involves multiple and coordinated actions.