Lavrentyev A.V. 1
1 Research Institute of the Regional Economies Of The North Federal State Autonomous Educational Establishment – North-Eastern Federal University named after M. K. Ammosov. Yakutsk
The main water resources of Canada, experience of the water supply organization and its control, privileges of authorities at the federal and provincial levels, division of responsibility at preservation of the environment have been learnt, operations of the main companies - fresh water suppliers, nonprofit organizations and their functions and lines at the execution of the water supply at the levels of management, the ways of fresh water supplies and the quantity of water consumption in Canada’s largest provinces and cities, the basic functions and objectives of the International Joint Comission on boundary waters between the USA and Canada have been described, fundamental problems of water columbine’s pollution have been determined, applying working out for their determination have been shown, main problems of the water supply have been defined and the methods of their solution have been described.