Kondratovich D.L. 1
Ulchenko M.V. 1
1 Lusin Institute for Ekonomic Studies of Kola Science Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences
The research are devoted to analysis of methodological features of definition of vectors of social and economic development of the northern region on the basis of the analysis of indicators of quality of life. The system approach are basic methodological principle used in this work. Also were used a ranging of regions of the Northern economic region on the base of comparative analysis of quality of life, the expert investigation which include analysis a private indicators of quality of life which are conditionally divided in work into two groups: the 1st group is the indicators characterizing a basis of quality of life, the 2nd group is the indicators characterizing result of quality of life, value judgment (satisfaction level). The research consider a number of methodological features which consist in a comprehensive assessment of indicators of a standard of living, use of an integrated approach to development of social program actions, the objective and subjective indicators which allow to reflect the current and perspective tendency in fast-changing conditions, and also a specific features of research.