Baycherova A.R. 1
1 Stavropol State Agrarian University
The analysis of the current state of the livestock sector in the Stavropol region, which are formulated on the basis of the basic problems of the industry. We studied the existing zoning system in rural areas in the Stavropol region. Based on one of the existing tools of the system analysis, the assessment of existing capacity in the development of each of the livestock in rural areas. Based on this data set was performed grouping rural areas, resulting in identified four main groups , differing in the number of performance indicators , such as livestock , availability of forage, potency and efficacy realizable realizable policy. As a result, for each group of areas we have formulated strategies for the implementation of veterinary services in order to increase the efficiency of the industry and to overcome a number of internal problems, such as high levels of morbidity and mortality of cattle.