Kireev S.V. 1
Vesna E.B. 1
Guseva A.I. 1
Konyukhov I.Y. 1
1 National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI»
This article is devoted to the features of the methodology for definition of normative costs for implementation of the interuniversity educational programs.Discusses in detail the methodologyof determination of the normative costs of the provision of government services for the implementation of having the state accreditation of professional educational programs of higher education on specialities and directions of training.Allocated financial and economic mechanisms that need to be modified in order to fully reflect the specifics of the network form of realization of educational programs. There are risks associated to the interuniversity educational programs. Based on this analysis, additional corrective coefficients are determined in order to calculate the standard cost for the interuniversity educational programs. The entered additional corrective coefficients take into account the type, extent and direction of the educational program, the conditions and procedure for the implementation of educational activities.