Baydukova N.V. 1
1 Federal Budget State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “Saint-Petersburg state university of finance and economics”
The article is about changes in the processing of funds transfers by commercial banks in connection with the new Bank’s of Russia normative document implementation, namely Regulation N 383P.The Regulation has implemented due to the enactment of the law “About the national payment system” in 2011. Changes of Controller are analyzed in detail and completed. Banking operations connected with the electronic funds transfers are legalized. Letter of credit and transfer of funds at the request of recipient – so called Direct Debit become more close to the international standarts. However in spite of the changes implementation to the legal component of the payment transaction commercial banks still face with different interpretation of the same conceptions in various legal acts. Therefore in practice banks have to solve the problems of their actions legitimacy in degrees of jurisdiction. The article is about problems existed in the current legislation regarding payment operations and their solving.