Scientific journal
Научное обозрение. Экономические науки
ISSN 2500-3410
ПИ №ФС77-57503


Karamalieva E.A. 1 Tokareva G.V. 1 Bezgina Yu.A. 1
1 FSBEI HPE «Stavropol State Agrarian University»
Unemployment rate – one of the most important characteristics reflecting national economy or the region. It is one of the major indicators on which it is possible to judge state of the economy at present. Practically always it is considered that the unemployment rate is higher, the economic situation is worse and the population standard of living is lower. Despite essential decrease in indicators of unemployment in Stavropol Territory, this problem still remains to one of main social and economic development of the region. On unemployment rate Stavropol Territory is on the 22nd place in the Russian Federation. Level of the general unemployment (on methodology the SPENDTHRIFT) makes 6,0 % (the Russian Federation – 6,6 %, North Caucasus federal district – 15,0 %). Decrease in unemployment rate to Stavropol Territory can be promoted by realization of the State program, and also attraction of investments into Stavropol Territory and more effective coordination of activity of government bodies of an employment service and the non-state organizations of edge rendering services in assistance to employment of the population.