Zizin A.S. 1
1 OgarevMordovia State University
A meaning of client capital that is one of the important marketing assets of companyhas been substantiated in this article. It provides amarket value growth. Therefore, in this article, a retrospective analysis of the evolution of scientific views on the concept of ‘client capital’ has been doneby author.Based on the study of international and domestic scientific literature on this subjectthe author distinguished scientific terms: ‘intellectual capital’ and ‘client capital’.The basis of determining the client capital of Russian economists is the idea that this category reflects the value of relationships between company and its clients.As a result of this articlefactors affecting the development of the theory of client capitalwere identified:level of economic development of the state, its political course, legal framework, etc. In this article the author emphasized 4stages of the evolution of scientific views to client capital. The author gave assumptions about further development of the theory of client capital. He proves the need for its development.