Zhurova L.I. 1
Shekhtman A.Y. 1
1 Volzhsky University named after V.N. Tatishchev
The current state of global and domestic economy, complexity and high dynamics of the environment, and increased competition require from companies continuous, system development, realization of their potential, formation of an effective development strategy which meets the existing economic conditions. This is especially important for integrated corporate systems, differing organizational, production and management complexity. Formation of adequate development strategy for such complex systems involves the assessment of economic potential of the integrated system and its participants at a particular stage of the life cycle, as well as the assessment of the current status and dynamics projections of environmental factors. Through analysis of methodology of development strategy formation, based on these factors, the author defined main problems of formation of development strategy for the integrated corporate systems, formulated key areas of development strategy formation at various life cycle stages of economic entities, which are participants of the integrated system, in the context of consolidated steps of development strategy formation, established objectives and main directions of development of structural elements of business entity economic potential.