Scientific journal
Научное обозрение. Экономические науки
ISSN 2500-3410
ПИ №ФС77-57503


Ershovа I.G. 1
1 FGBOU VPO «South Western State University»
In this article questions of formation and development of the market of educational services in economy of knowledge are discussed. The concept of the market of educational services reveals, comparison of definitions «system» and education «sphere» is carried out, the points of view of various authors are analyzed. The special role of a national education system and human resources in the course of transition of the country to an innovative way of development in economy of knowledge is emphasized. It is offered to consider the market of educational services as multiattributive social and economic system of development «economy of knowledge». Need of adaptation of the mechanism of regulation of the market of educational services therefore the increasing value gets studying of quantitative and qualitative components of human potential is opened. In this regard, first, it is necessary to estimate possible perspective results of development of the developed social and economic tendencies in the sphere of employment, professional education and a labor market. Secondly, to solve problems of coordination of labor demand and its offer, and, thirdly, to prepare advancing rates of the corresponding experts possessing new general and labor culture.