Scientific journal
Научное обозрение. Экономические науки
ISSN 2500-3410
ПИ №ФС77-57503


Ayrapetov O.R. 1
1 Saint-Petersburg State University of Economics
The analysis of existing structures Technical Sales. The organizational structure of marketing services are very dynamic and significantly affected by changes in the markets of the company and in the macroeconomic environment. We consider five types of organizational structures: functional structure, which is largely based on the basic tasks of marketing, product uses the principle of structuring sales by product range, customer - for customers, territorial - the location of the male and the region, the mixed structure combines all of the above types of structures. The author indicates the advantages and disadvantages of the above structures. Listed seven basic principles of planning (by D. Barkan), the observance of which will ensure the effectiveness of planned procedures and the reliability of their results, in the paper, we present the basic problem of planning marketing activity of the company. Sales planning is one of the most important tasks in the management system in the company-producers. The author distinguishes two main reasons: the first is that the planning of marketing is quite a challenging job that requires serious knowledge base, the constant activity of participants in the process and creativity in all that concerns the assessment of the market situation and the capabilities of customers, the second - the methods and techniques of working with customers also not the strength of our management today.