Scientific journal
Научное обозрение. Экономические науки
ISSN 2500-3410
ПИ №ФС77-57503


Alikaeva M.V. 1 Dzamikhov A.S. 1 Kerefova L.Z-G. 1
1 FSBI HPE»Kabardino-Balkar State University n.H.M.Berbekov»
This paperexamines the problemsrelated to the identificationof demand andsupply in thedefinition ofservicesen terprisesrecreational sector. The solution to thisproblem is possibleon the basisof market research, allowing to determinethe ratio ofthe keydeterminantsof the marketof recreational services. The authors proposeand justifya block schemaof theIC-marketing investigationsin the fieldof recreational servicesto determine the sizeof the marketof recreational servicesand the flow ofholidaymakersallows you to define the parameters of the market of recreational services and the flow of tourists, the basic stages of marketing research of tourist-and-recreational services in the region, clarified the principles and parameters for segmentation of tourist-and-recreational services. Identify the factors and features of regional development, resulting from the different characteristics of the enterprise in the field of the services which have an impact on the formation of the recreational offerings of the region. Importance of marketing research in the development of competitive strategies of tourism development.