Scientific journal
Научное обозрение. Экономические науки
ISSN 2500-3410
ПИ №ФС77-57503


Borisova E.V. 1
1 NOU VPO «Moscow Institute of Technology» VTU»
The paper presents the features of government procurements, statistics showing the trend of annual increases in government procurements and the dynamics of the official budget savings from the use of procurement procedures. Indicates the number of identified violations of application of the current law «On government procurements» 94- FZ dated 21.07.05, the amount actually paid fines for violations that led to changes in the law on government procurement. Given the date of the phased introduction of the changes. The changes that are related to the initial price, methods of determining the possibility of change, increasing the responsibility of the customer. It is a question of creating the planning before the end of 2015 a new integrated information system procurements. The possibility of supporting small and medium-sized businesses that are expected in connection with the introduction of the new law «On the contract system » № 44 - FZ of 05.04.2013.